reach. equip. multiply.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to build the REM Family of Churches all across America that will spur one another on to REACH more people for Christ, EQUIP more people, and MULTIPLY by adding new ministries and starting new churches.

We believe Jesus gave the Church great leaders “to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” We must build up the Church in America!


Jesus said the key to life is a love for God and one another. The answer is RELATIONSHIPS. Churches in America have no real relationships with other churches. Our individual churches have become silos within our own cities not knowing what each other is doing and not learning from our own successes and failures.

We don’t have it all figured out, but we are willing to share everything we have learned along the way. We believe your church has many God-given lessons to share with our Family of Churches, and we can all benefit from our wins and losses. We need each other. The time is short. America needs strong, healthy, and growing churches.

Join Us

We are inviting your church to be a part of a family of churches that we call, REM Churches. REM stands for Reach, Equip, and Multiply. The vision of our REM Family of Churches is to help one another REACH more people for Christ, EQUIP the people we already have in our churches, and MULTIPLY our ministries by starting new churches. We function together as a family because there is more power and love in true relationships. We are focused on helping each other long-term so that we all can do a better job of Reaching, Equipping, and Multiplying.

Click here to join our REM Church Family today!