New Destination Church (NDC) in Breckenridge, Texas is focusing on “Life Change Now” and seeing results. Sunday, Sept 10, NDC celebrated 12 baptisms and three salvations during their church service. NDC pastor, Trey McDuff, realizes the importance of giving people opportunities for people to get right with God now. Not later. Now.
Gearing up toward their “Big Sunday” on Sept 10, McDuff created invite cards for his people to pass out and invite someone. The key idea to the invite cards was the theme “Damaged”, and to communicate that NDC loves broken people.
McDuff says NDC is a welcoming place for broken people, and that NDC has built an entire culture around that persona. Every week, McDuff reminds NDC to think of someone they know who is struggling, and encourages them to invite that person to come to church with them.
He tries his best to give people chances to encounter Jesus in different ways and pursues improving his delivery. “People are responding to the Gospel if you’ll give it to them,” says McDuff.
NDC is seeing God restore entire families, just like it says in the Bible. McDuff met with one family last week after the husband called and asked “Would you be interested in baptizing my whole family?” McDuff went to their home and prayed, explained what salvation is and looks like, and helped lead 7 teens to the Lord.
McDuff says he views baptism as a symbol of renewal and revival, which is something that changed for him after visiting Israel. He is continuing the momentum for growth at NDC, and desires to have “Big Sundays” like this one every couple of months. McDuff already has plans for a large outreach focused weekend in October, and is looking forward to more broken people in Breckenridge to find healing in the Lord and experience “Life Change Now”.
You can check out New Destination Church online on their Facebook page:

McDuff with 11 of the 12 people baptized at NDC on Sept 10

“Damaged” invite card McDuff created for NDC to invite people to come to their “Big Sunday” on Sept 10
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